Sunday, December 06, 2009

The world is green and blue. The space around it black.

I heave a sigh upon my companion tonight.
It's only response the soft hum of its fan gently
cooling the atom processor. Let me test my vocation.

Humbly time stands before me,
begging me to take notice before I pass.
The look of this vagabond makes my stomach uneasy.
How could I even help this stranger, I could give all my money
yet the vagrant would still be there tomorrow tin can in hand. I
could give my leftovers, as good a meal as any: fried shrimp,
a slice of corn bread, and half a helping of mashpatotoes with some drops of gravy. Theres even some cocktail sauce left. Yet, he doesn't need nor want it.
I look upon the bum desolate and my stomach lurches and then sinks in.
Where is my strength draining too, I feel as though I'm going fall over and die in this things arms. That bastard, coming upon me without warning, with that downcast soden look, those worn out clothes, dirt covered face, and overgrown beard. I scrunch up my face and turn my chin up in protest. This creature only smiles, a smile that sinks itself in to my mind, a humble, all knowning, and fearless smile that stretches from ear to ear with the top lip slightly curled up barely reveavling two blisteringly white teeth.
This turns into a grin, and then a chuckle, and then uproarious laughter. I cover my ears, but the laughter only grows until its deafening,
like sirens warning of a tornado, I duck down next to the side of the road, then the clock lets out a high pitched screech only heard before at the death of the twelve demons of hells ninth circle,
then there is a bright light
and then blackness.


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