Friday, November 18, 2011

Man is without fear in the face of the unkown.

    What is the reason people aren't afraid of climate change. Is the idea to foreign or is it that they don't believe climate change is real. Could it be an inability to plan and sacrifice as a collective human community. Is it a problem of information dissemination or an inability to understand the information received.
    I think it is something different, I believe it is a lack of fear. A lack of fear even in the face of catastrophic destruction that a rapidly changing climate will bring. We as a people do not like change but we are also not afraid of it, we are built to adapt to it. In fact, we secretly relish in the challenge and in the chance to rebuild a society anew. Maybe the society we have built has to much legacy, to much that is unsatisfying, and we need to start over fresh, building on the ideas and technology we've developed in the past hundreds of years.
     Perhaps, it is because we are born, knowing we will die, but knowing life will continue on after us. Perhaps, we know that in suffering humans achieve greatness, and suffering through the cataclysm encroaching upon us will push us further as a species. I think is because survival and adaptation is something engraved into our souls the we welcome the future and its changes with closed eyes.


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